Free wifi in İstanbul Airport(ist)

Dear Passangers arriving to İstanbul İnternational Airpor (ist)

you can have 1 hour free wifi internet .for how to have it please watch the video.


All passengers are offered 1-hour free internet access at Istanbul Airport. Free wireless internet can be requested at the wireless internet kiosks provided by Turk Telekom.

There are 2 ways to get an internet code, via SMS on your mobile phone or by entering your passport number at any Wi-Fi terminal in the airport. You can use your personal laptop, tablet or smart phone for connecting to internet. Choose the IstanbulAirport TurkTelekomFree Wi-Fi network.

Access via SMS

  • Click on mobile access. 
  • Choose flag for country code, and then enter your phone number without area code. After you acceptted the agreement click Enter.
  • You will receive a code via SMS on your mobile phone. Enter this code and click Continue.

Access with passport number

  • Use the kiosk for passport verification and note the code to be used as password.
  • Click on ‘enter with passport’. 
  • Enter your passport number and the code received from the kiosk. Accept the agreement and click on Enter.

You will need this Wi-Fi connection code for Wi-Fi login. The username is your passport number. The Wi-Fi connection time starts at the time you login and is valid for 60 minutes. If you need Wi-Fi for a longer period you need to purchase a Wi-Fi package. With each code you can only use one device.

Plenty of Time

Do you have lots of time to spend at Istanbul Airport than we do recommend you to Explore the city. Full & Half Day Tours can be arranged with